On this page

Simplify payments and control spending
The adaptable RBS International OneCard is welcomed by millions of outlets worldwide and can be used for both business procurement, travel and entertainment spending.
- £45 annual fee per cardholder
- Control purchases and manage expenses
- You can either give employees their own card or use the hosted OneCard option, where details are lodged with specific suppliers and all spend goes against one card number.
OneCard fact sheet
Read or download our fact sheet to help you decide if OneCard is the right solution for your business.
OneCard features
Features OpenClose
Consolidated and centralised billing
Benefits OpenClose
Reduce expenses admin
Better cash flow management
Effortless VAT reclaims
Interest rates and fees
Type of fee
Billing type
7 days
14 days
21 days
28 days
How applying for OneCard works
Meet relationship director
We'll assess your needs and explain the options available.
We'll obtain any necessary extra information and submit your application to our credit team for review.
Your Relationship Director will discuss the outcome of your application and agree terms with you.
Cards in hand
Finally your application will be processed and your cards will be ordered.
Existing customer?
Visit our OneCard forms and guides page for application forms to request additional cards, terms and conditions and insurance information.
Useful contacts and helplines
OneCard Helpdesk
Call: 0345 877 8113
From abroad: +44 20 3126 4846
Minicom: 0800 404 6160
Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm UK time. Closed on UK bank holidays. Calls may be recorded.
Fraud Helpline
Call: 0345 300 4350
From abroad: +44 1268 508020