Fraud & Security

Confirm a payee name with Confirmation of Payee

What is Confirmation of Payee?

Confirmation of Payee is a name checking service that checks the name of the account holder you intend to pay against the details held for that account by the payee’s bank, giving you greater confidence you’re paying the right person. 

When are we introducing Confirmation of Payee?

Pay.UK launched Phase 1 of Confirmation of Payee in 2019 which has now been successfully implemented by a number of UK banks, building societies and other payment service providers (PSPs).

RBS International was not eligible to participate in Phase 1 however Pay.UK are opening up the service and we are joining Phase 2 before the end of this year. All existing Phase 1 participants will register for Phase 2 by end of 2021 and complete their transition across to Phase 2 by March 2022.

How does it work?

When you set up a new payment or amend an existing payment, the name of the person or business you are paying along with the account type are checked against the details held by the payee's bank.

The check will return one of the following responses:

  • It's a match
    You will receive an on screen confirmation that all of the details match
  • It’s a close match
    The name on the account doesn’t exactly match what you have provided. You can contact the recipient to confirm the details before making the payment or update the details to those provided by the payee bank.
  • It’s not a match 
    Contact the person or business you are trying to pay to confirm the correct details
  • Unavailable 
    There may be occasions where the Confirmation of Payee service is unavailable. In this instance, it’s important you contact the payee to confirm the details are correct before continuing.
  • This account can't be checked
    There may be occasions where the payee can't be checked, for example, if the account holder’s bank doesn’t support the service or hasn’t registered for Phase 2 yet. During the transition period you may not be able to check the name of a payee whose account is held by a Phase 1 participant. In this instance, it’s important you contact the payee to confirm the details are correct before continuing.

Things to remember

Payments made to you

  • It’s important you give whoever is making a payment into your account, your business or trading name that’s registered on your account
  • If your account name changes then don’t forget to let people know

Payments you make

  • If in doubt, contact the person or business you’re making the payment to and check the name on their account
  • If you’re paying a person, use their first and last name
  • If you’re paying a business, use the business or trading name registered to their account
  • When prompted to do so, please make sure you select the correct type of account for the person or business you are paying

Avoid scams and help reduce fraud

A Confirmation of Payee check can help you avoid making payments to the wrong account, as well as supporting the fight against fraud and scams.

When checking the payment details, it’s important to contact the person or business on a number you trust.

  • Never use the phone number from an email or text exchange which can be faked by the criminal to trick you into believing it’s genuine
  • Never be pressurised into continuing with the payment when the details don’t fully match or where the account can’t be checked

For more tips on staying secure, visit our Fraud & Security section.

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