Fraud & Security

Protect your business against fraud and scams 

Common business scams

Email scams

Received an urgent email asking you to act?

Sometimes you get emails pretending to be from legitimate sources asking you to give away private information. This is an email scam, also known as phishing.

Information Message

Telephone scams

Had a suspicious call from us or someone else?

Telephone scams or `vishing` is contact made by phone encouraging you to give out personal details such as PINs, passwords or banking codes.

Information Message

Text scams

Could a fake text trick you into giving personal details?

Text message scams or `smishing` is fraudsters using text messages to trick you into divulging sensitive information like PINs and passwords. 

Information Message

Help to resolve debit card payment issues

Support to help resolve common issues with debit card transactions including details on how to dispute a transaction.

Helping you beat the criminals

The internet can significantly enhance a business’s operations however it could also leave them vulnerable to cyber criminals...be vigilant.